

Successful recovery requires real commitment from the patient, and their integration of the principles and practices acquired while in treatment into everyday life. In order to support our patients in their long-term success, Clinic Les Alpes offers an aftercare planning service to all of our patients.

This can include connection with a variety of professionals and individuals who can support our patients in the weeks and months following their stay at the Clinic. We have a network of exceptional providers all over the world and maintain a positive collaborative relationship; making the transition for our patients seamless. Some examples include, but are not limited to:

• Psychiatrists
• Psychologists
• Life and Business coaches
• Sports coaches
• Complementary therapists
• Holistic medicine providers
• Physical therapists

When patients complete their stay at the Clinic, they will continue to be supported by their lead therapist. We check-in with our patients regularly for up to a year in order to ensure that they have all the resources they need to achieve their goals and needs. Prior to discharge all patients will also receive another thorough health check to measure progress against the baseline established at the outset of treatment.

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