

We never think about dependency or mental health issues and their destructive nature without holding in mind the essential creativeness of recovery and wellbeing.

Recovery reunites the person with their authentic self, allowing them to freely experience themselves as they really are. Recovery is also something to be enjoyed rather than endured.

The Clinic is an important contributor to the therapeutic experience, and we therefore give a great deal of thought to the healthy operation of the Clinic as a whole.

The particular therapies we have at our disposal have been selected for good reason for the genuine contribution we know that they can make to recovery.

Before admission to the Clinic, our medical team will liaise with the patient, the patient’s family and/or their own doctors / medical advisers to assess the nature of the issues to be addressed, their status, and the patient’s present condition.

On admission:

  • Full one-on-one discussions to understand his/her medical condition and state of mental health
  • Recent psychiatric history
  • Family history
  • Personal history / Life trajectory
  • Addictions or addictive behaviour history
  • Clinical observation
  • Diagnosis and specific psychopharmacological medication if necessary and agreed with the patient
  • Medical follow-up through monitoring of biological parameters and constants

Whether problems of mental health pre-date addiction or have arisen as a result of it, a psychiatrist is on hand to attend to the needs of those who need help. The psychiatrist works closely with the medical and therapeutic teams.

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Upon arrival, every patient undergoes a thorough medical health check conducted by our experienced medical practitioners. This initial evaluation is a critical step in our commitment to delivering personalised, evidence-based care.

Our medical and nursing teams begin with an in-depth clinical assessment to understand your unique health profile. This enables us to identify your specific needs and tailor a treatment plan that addresses both your physical and mental well-being.

We then complete a suite of advanced diagnostic testing to gain a full picture of your health, including but not limited to:

  • Full Blood Analysis
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Urine Screening
  • Renal Function Examination
  • Heart Function Examination
  • Neurological Examination
  • Nutritional Assessment
  • Genetic Testing

These tests are all completed in-house and analysed in collaboration with our highly reputed partners in a local Swiss Laboratory. Following the initial health check, our medical team, in coordination with your lead therapist, will continuously monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed. This integrated approach allows us to provide care that is not only responsive but also proactive, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment throughout your journey with us. 

As Clinic Les Alpes is a fully licensed medical facility, all clinical needs of our patients can be attended to in house, without requiring disruptive visits to a local hospital for detoxification and medical checks.

Detoxification (detox) is a necessary but insufficient part of the process known as withdrawal, the first stage of recovery. Withdrawal is both physical and psychological, and these processes begin as soon as you make the choice to enter treatment.

Clinic Les Alpes has the expertise and resources to help you detoxify from substances of dependence, whether being consumed singly or in combination, as safely and as quickly as possible. The detox suites are specially designed to combine comfort, safety, and the highest standards of medical care. Discreetly situated close to the nurse’s station for ease of access, they enjoy their own sitting room and exhilarating views towards Lake Geneva.

Patients suffering from cravings are helped with medication to make the process as painless and effective as possible.

Engaging with recovery therapies doesn’t have to wait until detox is completed. In fact, we encourage you to participate in these therapies as soon as medically passed fit to do so. It can even help the detoxification process to be engaged in other therapeutic and leisure activities.


Each patient will have an individual treatment plan, developed with their medical team to suit their particular needs and circumstances.

At Clinic Les Alpes, our experienced, international and multilingual team of counsellors and psychologists will be following you throughout your entire stay.

Your principal therapist will be your guide and support throughout your stay, drawing on the rest of the team as necessary to ensure you receive the most appropriate help. During these sessions you will identify where other available therapies may be of help to your recovery.

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Psychotherapy, otherwise known as talk therapy, is a general term used to refer to a variety of therapeutic treatment techniques that aim to help individuals understand and resolve their emotional difficulties, mental health problems, and problematic behaviours. The goals of psychotherapy are personalised to each patient’s individual needs, but often revolve around reducing symptoms of mental illness, improving emotional wellbeing, and enhancing interpersonal relationships.

Some example of psychotherapeutic approaches that are offered at Clinic Les Alpes include but are not limited to:

  • Behavioural therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
  • Narrative and Gestalt Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Art and Music Therapy
  • Existential Therapy
  • Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
  • Person-Centred Psychotherapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Systemic Therapy

The choice of which approach a therapist may choose to use can depend on the style of the individual therapist, as some therapists tend to ‘lean’ into one style more than another. However, most therapists are able to use a variety of techniques and will adjust their approach to what best suits the individual patient.

Psychotherapy is built upon the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the patient, establishing a space of trust, confidentiality, and mutual respect. This provides a safe environment where patients can begin to develop insight and understanding of their behaviours, thoughts and emotions.

The process of psychotherapy can be a difficult one, and it is important to remember that growth is often difficult and uncomfortable. There may be times when your therapist challenges you on your way of thinking, statements you make, or behaviour that you engage in. However, this is all in the service of helping you “do the work”, and ultimately those who can work through the challenges and remain open benefit immensely.

Behavioural Therapies are a group of therapeutic interventions that focus on identifying and changing potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviours. Based on the principles of behaviourism, a theory of learning which states that all behaviours are learned through interaction with the environment, these therapies are grounded in the belief that all behaviours are acquired and can therefore be changed.  

Research supports the effectiveness of behavioural therapies in treating various psychological conditions. By focusing on the behaviour itself and the factors that maintain it, these therapies offer practical approaches to complex problems. The skills and strategies learned through behavioural therapies can provide lasting benefits, helping individuals to change their behaviours and improve their quality of life.


Narrative Therapy:

This therapeutic approach is based on the idea that individuals construct their identities through the stories they tell about themselves and their experiences. 

Through helping patients verbalise and identify what their own ‘stories’ are, a therapist can support the patient to start to change these stories, emphasising strengths, resilience, and alternative perspectives. This ultimately promotes a more empowering and constructive self-narrative which reduces suffering and enables patient led action in their lives.

Narrative therapy is a very collaborative approach and focuses on the patient’s subjective experience in the therapy session as guided through the therapeutic relationship. Therapists often help patients through externalising problems and narratives and examining the influence of cultural and societal discourses on personal stories. This supports the patients in separating their stories from their own identity.

Narrative therapy is often used as a technique in treating patients who experience relationship difficulties, are trauma survivors, and have addiction concerns. Patients who benefit most from narrative therapy may be struggling with identity issues, struggling with societal pressures, have low self-esteem, or who are seeking personal growth.

Gestalt Therapy:

Gestalt therapy is based on the concept of holism, viewing individuals as whole entities with interconnected thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. The main focus of this therapy is in promoting self-awareness, personal responsibility, and integrating conflicting aspects of oneself.

This is done through different techniques that aim to emphasise the present moment, personal responsibility, and awareness. Many techniques used in Gestalt therapy aim to use awareness of the body to help clients become more aware of their present experiences. Through living more in the present moment, patients are better able to recognise and embrace their emotions and behaviours instead of struggling with internal conflicts.

This approach is very useful for patients who have difficulty expressing emotions, are experiencing relationship issues, struggle with anxiety, or are dealing with grief and loss. Patients who benefit most from Gestalt therapy are often those who are seeking increased self-awareness, struggle to integrate their experiences, desire personal growth, struggle with decision making, or who are facing blocks in creativity.

Similarities and Differences:

While Narrative Therapy and Gestalt Therapy are often conflated, they are two different therapeutic methods. Both approaches are built upon the strength of the therapeutic relationship, and are very experiential and process-orientated.

Narrative therapy tends to focus on language and the stories individuals tell. It attempts to externalise problems and explore alternative narratives that are more removed from societal discourses.

While Gestalt therapy focuses more on a present moment experience and the integration of different aspects of the self. It also uses specific techniques such as role-playing and empty chair work to bring awareness to internal conflicts.

The 12-Step programme and the widely available support of the 12-Step fellowships can provide long-term support beyond treatment. Clinic Les Alpes helps patients affiliate with these recovery resources and engage with the first three steps to help facilitate the process of change. Alternative approaches are offered where appropriate and preferred by the patient


At Clinic Les Alpes, we understand that sometimes words are not enough to convey what we feel, think, or experience. Traditional forms of communication can fall short, especially when navigating the complexities of mental health issues or the journey of recovery from addiction. 

This is where our specialised Art and Music Therapy programs come into play, offering a unique pathway to healing through creative expression. The Clinic Les Alpes Art Therapy studio provides an environment where the kind of creative thinking that enhances our recovery can be stimulated and facilitated by our highly qualified Art Psychotherapists.

Art Therapy and Music Therapy are forms of expressive therapies that harness the creative processes of making art and music to foster emotional healing, self-expression, and personal growth. These therapeutic approaches are grounded in the belief that the act of creation can unlock insights, emotions, and memories that might otherwise remain inaccessible.

Creating a piece of art, whether it’s a drawing, painting or sculpting can enable us to discover something of ourselves which may otherwise stay out of our awareness. It can help us to access feelings, thoughts and insights that need to be integrated into our understanding of who we are. It can help us to fully join up parts of ourselves internally.

Implemented by highly trained specialists with expertise in both the creative arts and therapeutic techniques, our programs offer a supportive environment where individuals can explore their inner worlds through art and music.

Recovery is inherently a creative process, requiring the courage to break free from old patterns and the imagination to envision a new path forward. At Clinic Les Alpes, we integrate art and music therapy into our treatment programs, recognizing the transformative potential of creativity in the recovery journey.

Many people have heard of hypnosis before and dismiss it as a carnival trick. However there has emerged several branches of medicalised hypnosis that are being used in addiction and mental health treatment to help advance behaviour change and limit emotional suffering.

One particular approach that is embraced by Clinic Les Alpes is Ericksonian hypnosis. This is a form of brief hypnotic therapy where the therapist uses indirection suggestions and subtle language patterns to help patients achieve their therapeutic goals. 

Using metaphors and storytelling, the therapist bypasses the patient’s conscious mind and gains access to the unconscious. This technique aims to facilitate communication with this unconscious mind, promoting positive change and overcoming obstacles.

During this process patients are not fully conscious, nor are they fully unconscious. Encouraged to be comfortable either sitting or lying down, the patients experience a sort of guided meditation at first, bringing them to a state of semi-consciousness.

For those with a fear of hypnosis, it is not possible for a therapist correctly exercising this technique to trick you into doing anything you do not want to do. You are aware of the process on some level at all times, and it is reinforced that you can come out of your state and stop the hypnosis at any moment.

Ericksonian hypnosis is often used in psychotherapy to address a variety of issues including behavioural change, stress reduction, personal growth, and addiction. It’s a great option for patients who are more cognitively focused, have difficulty with traditional talking therapy, trauma survivors, those with chronic pain, those suffering from addiction, and those with low self-esteem.

Group therapy offers participants the opportunity to better understand themselves through their relationships with others. It allows us to compare our own view of ourselves with how others see and experience us. The difference between these perceptions provides the potential for learning and for change. We can discover our “blind spots” that keep us trapped in our familiar self-defeating and self-destructive behaviours. We can also reconnect with the part of ourselves that has been subjugated: creativity, intimacy, and the ability to love and be loved. Participation in group therapy has many positive effects for recovery and will be encouraged.

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Clinic Les Alpes is located in the stunning Swiss Alps bordering Lake Geneva, meaning that we have access to outstanding natural beauty all year around. With pure alpine air at 1,200 metres, patients are able to access a wide range of outdoor activities such as snowshoeing in the forests, hikes in the alpine meadows or excursions to Lake Geneva. 

To help patients get the most therapeutic benefit possible from our surroundings, we also offer what is commonly referred to as ‘Adventure Therapy’. Research has consistently shown that engagement with nature and participation in structured outdoor activities can significantly enhance mental health outcomes. By leveraging the natural environment's therapeutic potential, our Adventure Therapy sessions are meticulously crafted to support the recovery and wellbeing of our patients through clinically recognised methods.

Our Adventure Therapy program is grounded in scientific research that underscores the positive impact of nature on mental health. Engagement in outdoor activities has been linked to improved mood, decreased levels of stress, and enhanced cognitive functioning. Furthermore, the physical exertion associated with many adventure activities promotes physical health, which is intrinsically linked to psychological wellbeing.

Under the guidance of our multidisciplinary team, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and occupational therapists, our Adventure Therapy program is seamlessly integrated into each patient's personalised treatment plan. This ensures that the therapeutic benefits of outdoor activities are maximised, contributing to our patients' overall treatment goals in a meaningful and measurable way.

At Clinic Les Alpes, we are proud to offer Equine-Assisted Therapy (EAT) as part of our comprehensive therapeutic services. This innovative approach to healing and personal development leverages the powerful bond between humans and horses to foster emotional growth, psychological healing, and personal empowerment. 

Under the supervision of licensed mental health professionals and certified equine specialists, clients engage in a series of structured interactions with horses. These activities, which include grooming, leading, haltering, and groundwork exercises, are designed to enhance nonverbal communication, improve observation skills, and build trust and rapport between the client and the horse.

EAT sessions take place in a controlled, safe environment where clients can explore their feelings, behaviours, and patterns through the lens of their interactions with horses. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EAT provides a unique, hands-on approach that allows for immediate feedback and reflection through the horse's responses.

Equine-Assisted Therapy is particularly beneficial for individuals who find traditional verbal therapies challenging or those who prefer experiential, hands-on approaches. The therapy's versatility makes it suitable for a wide demographic, including children, adolescents, and adults dealing with various mental health conditions. By integrating EAT into our treatment programs, we provide an alternative path to healing that complements other therapeutic modalities, offering clients a holistic recovery experience.

Knowledge is power, and at Clinic Les Alpes we believe in empowering our patients during their treatment stay. By bridging the gap between experiencing addiction or mental health challenges and understanding them, we empower our patients and their families to embark on a path of informed recovery, marked by resilience, hope, and a deeper connection to self and others.

Psychoeducation is a therapeutic intervention that combines psychological therapy with education to enhance the understanding of mental health conditions and their management. It is designed to provide patients and their support networks with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to navigate the complexities of mental health challenges and addiction effectively.

We tailor psychoeducational content to meet the specific needs and learning styles of each patient, ensuring that the information is relevant, accessible, and actionable. Our psychoeducational sessions cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Understanding specific mental health disorders and their symptoms
  • Coping strategies for managing symptoms and preventing relapse
  • The impact of mental health on physical well-being and vice versa
  • Medication management and the importance of adherence to treatment plans
  • Techniques for stress management and relaxation
  • Building and maintaining healthy relationships

Psychoeducation is crucial to ongoing recovery work, as it serves to reduce stigma, strengthen support systems, inform decision-making, and enhance self-management. To accommodate different learning preferences, we offer psychoeducation through various formats, including individual and group sessions, workshops, printed materials, and digital resources. 

The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) is a somatically based psychotherapy that addresses nervous system dysregulation, distortions of identity and the interplay between the two that result from adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) and complex trauma (C-PTSD).

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Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centred, directive therapeutic approach designed to enhance an individual's intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. Unlike some traditional therapies that focus on prescribing solutions, MI emphasises the importance of the client's own reasons for change, promoting an environment where the individual feels understood and empowered to make decisions that align with their values and goals.

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