There is, as yet, no scientific or clinical consensus internationally as to whether a diagnostic classification of Internet Addiction is fully justified. One area of contention is whether use of the internet per se can be addictive or whether it is simply the medium through which people access potentially addictive experiences like gambling, pornography, gaming or social networking.
In any event, as the use of the internet now features heavily in daily life, increasing numbers of people have reported problems with their net-based behaviour. Research across the globe into such matters has accordingly gathered pace and the suffering evidently experienced by some internet users has created a demand for treatment interventions specific to Internet Addiction.
Researchers generally agree that Internet Addiction has striking similarities with addiction to substances. They highlight characteristics of addiction such as:
Through facilitating instant access to the internet, electronic devices become a critical component of the addictive behaviour and a powerful attachment may be formed to them so that their absence, even for short periods, sufficiently unsettles users to indicate a withdrawal process.
Because use of the internet is now so integral to everyday life, the aim of treatment interventions for internet-based addiction is not for the achievement of total abstinence from all on-line activity. Nonetheless, a period of abstinence does help to reveal the severity of the addiction and provides the opportunity to re-set the user’s relationship with the internet.
It may well be necessary to maintain abstinence from the area of the internet that is most implicated in addictive behaviour, such as sites for pornography, gambling, gaming or social networking. With the right support, the person can then develop a healthier approach to on-line activity in general.
Some people may find that to do so, a residential treatment setting offers a controlled environment where abstinence and/or managed use of internet activity can be productively trialled.