
Sex and Love Addiction Treatment

For those caught in the grips of sex and love addiction or wrestling with problematic behaviours related to intimacy and relationships, Clinic Les Alpes extends a helping hand. Sex and love addiction can wield a consuming influence, rivalling other addictions considered more 'dangerous,' such as alcoholism or gambling. Early professional support is crucial for individuals navigating this challenging journey, in order to maximise prospects for sustained long-term recovery. Clinic Les Alpes, a distinguished Swiss luxury rehabilitation centre, is poised to guide you and your loved ones toward overcoming sex and love addiction with professionalism, privacy, and world-class treatments.

Why Choose a Luxury Sex and Love Rehab in Switzerland

Recovery from addiction involves breaking our habits, reward cycles, and routines in order to build new health promoting ones. The cleanest way to hit the reset button when it comes to sex and love addiction is to enter inpatient treatment. This enables you to start your recovery journey in a stable, warm, and safe environment whilst breaking your daily habits in order to create new ones. Nestled in the Swiss mountains above Lake Geneva, Clinic Les Alpes offers the best in sex and love addiction treatment, with a multidisciplinary team of staff who approach all addictions with compassion and respect. In full confidentiality, experience the best Switzerland has to offer with access to luxury amenities and stunning natural views. Get away from it all in order to reset your health, your mind, your life.

What Is Sex and Love Addiction?

Sex and love addiction is a complex and challenging condition characterised by compulsive engagement in sexual or romantic behaviours. Individuals affected by this addiction often find themselves unable to control their impulses, leading to a preoccupation with sex, romantic fantasies, or the pursuit of relationships. It is important to acknowledge that most international diagnostic manuals, such as the DSM-V or the ICD-10, do not currently have criteria for ‘sex and love addiction’. However, this does not mean that such an addiction is invalid or any less severe than other recognised behavioural addictions. It can also be broken down into either ‘sex addiction’ or ‘love addiction’. While the two commonly coexist they are not exactly described by the same symptoms. Sex addiction typically involves an excessive focus on sex, or a compulsion to engage in specific sexual behaviours. Also referred to as ‘hypersexual disorder’, this addiction can include intense sexual fantasies, irresistible risky sexual impulses, extreme promiscuity, and trouble establishing and maintaining healthy and stable relationships. Love addiction, also colloquially considered similar to codependency, revolves around extreme cravings for attention, affection and intimacy. This addiction creates an unhealthy dependency within relationships, as the love addict falls in love very quickly but with time the relationship suffers as their partner cannot constantly provide the constant reassurance and attention the addict needs.

Sex and Love Addiction Symptoms: What Are the Signs of Sex and Love Addiction?

In the absence of formal diagnostic criteria, many professionals use common symptoms to identify behavioural and relationship patterns that may indicate a sex or love addiction. This may include, but are not limited to:

  • Do you regularly engage in one-night stands, or have a high number of sexual partners?
  • Do you spend considerable time, energy, and money engaging in sexual activities such as sexting, hiring prostitutes, strip clubs, or extra-marital affairs?
  • Do you use sex, or masturbation, to cope with feelings of anxiety, depression, stress or boredom?
  • Have you engaged in sexual compulsions that you knew would put you in risk, such as unprotected sex, anonymous sex, public sex or masturbation, or exhibitionism?
  • Do you feel the need to engage in more and more extreme forms of sexual behaviours to get the same rush of pleasure and satisfaction that you are used to?
  • Are you neglecting other areas of your life due to the time and energy you are investing in sexual experiences/activities?
  • Have you tried to stop or cut down on sex and/or masturbation but have found yourself unable to?
  • Do you feel that you often fall in love quickly and intensely with others?
  • When you are in love, do your fantasies end up distracting you from your real life or important everyday tasks?
  • Do you you ever feel that your life would be over if your relationship ended, even to the point of having suicidal thoughts?
  • Do you often abandon or neglect important relationships in your life when you enter into a romantic relationship?
  • Have you failed to maintain engagement in hobbies or work due to the time and energy you are investing in your romantic relationship?
  • Do you stay in relationships that are unhealthy or causing you pain, because it is simply better to be with anyone rather than being alone?
  • Do you find it impossible to say no to your partner, often neglecting your own needs or wants in order to please them and meet their needs?

If you have said ‘yes’ for yourself, or someone you know, for any of the above points, it may be time to seek professional help and support. Attending a rehabilitation centre can be a great way to start your recovery journey by addressing not only the sex and love addiction behaviour, but also the root causes of why sex and love can get so out of control for each unique person.

What Happens in Sex and Love Addiction Rehabilitation?


During your first 5-10 days you will undergo what’s commonly referred to as an assessment period. This means that you will meet with various care providers such as psychiatrists, psychologists and doctors in order to complete assessments that help the care team determine what your needs and goals are for treatment. This better enables the creation of a personalised treatment plan that is unique to you and what you’re hoping to achieve.


Treatment typically lasts 28 days, which enables you to experience a wide array of individual therapies. This includes traditional talking therapies such as traditional psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), narrative therapy, and others. You will also have the chance to participate in complementary therapies such as ayurvedic medicine, meditation, massage, acupuncture, and more. Additional alternative therapies such as equine therapy, dance and music, and art therapy are also employed to ensure that patients have a full variety of therapeutic experiences. It is important to remember that not only does individual therapy help with recovery, but that research has consistently demonstrated the ‘power of the group’ when it comes to group therapeutic experiences. Not only does this provide you with the opportunity to build new connections with people experiencing similar problems, but it also enables peers to hold each other accountable during their recovery.


Before leaving treatment, you will work with your therapist to create a Relapse Prevention Plan that highlights your triggers, coping strategies, and emergency contacts. This not only supports you in preventing relapses, but also encourages positive mental health and wellbeing. You will also be referred to ongoing professionals such as therapists and coaches in order to walk with you on the ongoing journey of recovery.

Is Sex and Love Addiction Related to Other Mental Health Problems?

Yes, sex and love addiction are often associated with other mental health problems. It may be the case that a pre-existing mental health problem made you vulnerable to developing a sex or love addiction. Conversely it may be that engaging in the sex or love addiction created and then exacerbated a mental health problem such as depression or anxiety. Regardless of which came first, what is clear is that a co-occurring addiction and mental health problem tend to exist in a loop where each condition makes the other ‘worse’ and it is impossible to ‘cure’ one whilst ignoring the other. Some of the most common mental health concerns that arise alongside sex and love addiction include depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, impulse control, and traumatic experiences. In order to truly address sex and love addiction, one must also address the underlying causes of why this addiction has come to be. This typically involves a comprehensive approach that includes therapy, counselling, and lifestyle changes to achieve a healthier work-life balance and improve overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does rehab for sex and love addiction take?

First time rehabilitation for sex and love addiction often involves an inpatient stay of 28 days. This period of time is most commonly used as either a first intervention, or for people who are looking to get ‘back on track’ after a relapse. It’s important to remember that most people who go into recovery for these addictions consider it their life’s work to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship with sex and with other people. For those who are struggling with chronic sex and love addiction, a longer inpatient treatment may be necessary to set you up for success upon your graduation.

Isn’t sex addiction just an excuse to cheat on your partner?

Sex addiction, like other addictions, is a serious mental health condition and requires in-depth treatment in order to address the underlying causes, triggers, and build coping strategies. While it certainly does not justify breaches of trust, it can contribute to an explanation of why someone does this. It does not necessarily mean they do not care about their relationship with you, but that they have intense urges to engage in sexual and love based behaviours. If you are in a relationship with someone who feels they may have a sex or love addiction, it is so important to seek treatment for your partner and support for yourself. Relationships can survive addiction, through a rebuilding of trust, connection, and through dedication of both parties.

If I have a sex or love addiction, does that make me a bad person?

No, those who experience sex or love addiction are not inherently bad people, delinquents, or deviants. There is nothing morally wrong with who you are if you are suffering from this addiction, and all treatments and therapies must be delivered with the utmost compassion and respect. It is important to remember that there is no shame in seeking help. Speaking up and getting professional support is the best step you can make towards living a more healthy and fulfilling life.

Can people recover from sex and love addiction?

Absolutely, those who truly desire change from sex and love addiction can find recovery. While there is no ‘magic cure’ for any addiction, research consistently indicates that entering treatment is far more likely to result in successful life-changes than ‘going solo’. Remember, you are never ‘too far gone’ or ‘not bad enough’ for treatment; and early prevention can help address your issues before they start to take over your life.

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