
5 Signs of Addiction


Have you used drugs in the past?

Are there aspects of your personality that make you think you could become an addict?

Have you had hangovers due to drinking alcohol after partying through the night?

Have you been abusing a drug on a constant basis?

This doesn’t necessarily make you an addict.

What Are the Signs That Addiction Might Be Present?

Although there can be very significant warning symptoms and signs of addiction, one single factor alone will not cause or indicate behavioural, alcohol, or drug addiction. It is the combination of a number of elements that will result in an illness and suggest the need for help and often substance abuse recovery treatment.

If you or someone you know is showing signs of addiction, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. There are many resources available to those struggling with alcohol and drug addiction, and seeking professional help is often the best first step.

What Happens When It Happens?

Before a person is face to face with the problem and develops alcoholism and drug dependence, it is likely she or he will have used and then abused substances. This also means that unhealthy elements had been incubating for some time prior to the emergence of the substance use disorder. Addiction doesn’t happen overnight.

Bear in mind that drugs will have different potentials to create dependency, and provoke various sorts of health problems, and their mental effects will vary as well. The impact of drug abuse on the person will be determined by individual characteristics and contexts.

Also, if a toxic substance is poured into any organism repeatedly for a certain period of time, the damage will be inevitable whether the enabling preconditions for drug addiction existed or not. The opposite is also true; without the substance available or ingested, the illness will have more difficulty flourishing even on fertile grounds.

In order to get the right treatment, you need to have the right information.

5 Signs Suggesting the Presence of Addiction

1. Progressively higher tolerance to a substance or behaviour, that is, needing higher amounts for an equal original effect.

Tolerance occurs when a person’s body adapts to the presence of a drug, alcohol, or behaviour, and as a result, higher doses are required to produce the same effect. As a common example, people that go beyond their prescribed medication develop prescription drug abuse. Tolerance can lead to addiction and other mental health issues.

2. Impact on daily functionality

Changes in behaviour due to drug or alcohol abuse as well as the rituals around it is another sign of addiction; these consequences can be seen in relationships, family, professional life, finances, daily activities, etc. Secrecy, lying, decreased interest in activities, neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home, and isolation from family members are some common behavioral signs.

3. Physical symptoms

Damage to physical health and mental capacities and functioning is also a sign of addiction. Weight loss or gain, poor hygiene, or bloodshot eyes are some common negative consequences of addiction. Despite this path of destruction, the addict will continue to behave addictively.

4. Mental and physical effects when unable to use the substance or practice the behaviour.

The effects can be severe and long-lasting. withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, and more. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. This is particularly true for those who are addicted to alcohol or prescription drugs like benzodiazepines.

5. The unmistakably present incapacity to control and/or stop the use or behaviour.

If you are unable to cut back or stop substance abuse or a certain behaviour despite your best efforts, it is likely that you have developed an addiction. It is important to seek help as it can be very difficult to overcome it on your own.

If this structure is now in place, it means that more than one thing already went wrong – there is no need to wait until then to get out of this cycle, whatever caused it. You can receive the right addiction treatment by contacting our luxury rehab in Switzerland through our form, phone number, or email at

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