
Recovery Therapies

We never think about dependency or mental health issues and their destructive nature without holding in mind the essential creativeness of recovery and wellbeing.

Recovery reunites the person with their authentic self, allowing them to freely experience themselves as they really are. Recovery is also something to be enjoyed rather than endured.

As a container, the Clinic is an important contributor to the therapeutic experience, and we therefore give a great deal of thought to the healthy operation of the Clinic as a whole.

The particular therapies we have at our disposal have been selected for good reason for the genuine contribution we know that they can make to recovery.

Your principal therapist will be your guide and support throughout your stay, drawing on the rest of the team as necessary to ensure you receive the most appropriate help. During these sessions you will identify where other available therapies may be of help to your recovery.

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Reformulation is a process facilitated by the therapist working with you that will help you to understand how the thoughts and behaviours developed in the past as a coping mechanism may now be unhelpful and self-defeating in the present.

We may have come to see things in a fixed way from only one perspective. Reformulation offers another way of looking at these aspects of life that not only helps makes sense of things, but opens the possibility of positive change.

Sometimes words just don’t do it for us. Or we can’t find the right words. It may be that we don’t know what it is that we want to say or how to say it. We may not even know what it is we are feeling so we can’t express it. This is often where we end up in our addiction and this is when Art Therapy can help.

Creating a piece of art, whether it’s a drawing, painting or sculpting can enable us to discover something of ourselves which may otherwise stay out of our awareness. It can help us to access feelings, thoughts and insights that need to be integrated into our understanding of who we are. It can help us to fully join up parts of ourselves internally.

The Clinic Les Alpes Art Therapy studio provides an environment where the kind of creative thinking that enhances our recovery can be stimulated and facilitated by our highly qualified Art Psychotherapists.

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Group therapy offers participants the opportunity to better understand themselves through their relationships with others. It allows us to compare our own view of ourselves with how others see and experience us. The difference between these perceptions provides the potential for learning and for change. We can discover our “blind spots” that keep us trapped in our familiar self-defeating and self-destructive behaviours. We can also reconnect with the parts of ourselves which addiction has subjugated: creativity, intimacy and the ability to love and be loved. Participation in group therapy has many positive effects for recovery and will be encouraged.

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Although not officially a therapy, Clinic Les Alpes is situated in an area of outstanding beauty with pure alpine air and there will be available to the patients a wide range of many outdoor activities, depending on the season. At a height of 1200 meters, Clinic Les Alpes has many winter themed activities, such as snow shoeing in the forests and sledging, while in summer, hikes in alpine meadows and forests, along with excursions to lake Geneva and picnics in the wild flower meadows.

While Clinic Les Alpes will draw upon the principles of the Minnesota Model, which in turn developed as a professionally delivered treatment based on applying the principles and practices of Alcoholics Anonymous, it will provide a treatment programme that is sufficiently adaptable to enable an offering of individualised treatment and care. The option to participate in group activities and therapies will always be available and, indeed, encouraged.

For those patients who want to understand the possible benefits of mutual aid and peer support such as offered by the anonymous 12-Step fellowships, we provide information and guidance as well as helping people to engage in these fellowships and their practices.

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With the patient’s consent, families are invited to participate in the treatment process by attending family conferences but we also respond to the needs of families in their own right.

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The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) is a somatically based psychotherapy that addresses nervous system dysregulation, distortions of identity and the interplay between the two that result from adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) and complex trauma (C-PTSD).

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