
The Best Clinic in the World – 10 Features to Look For

Whenever using a superlative like ‘the best clinic in the world”, we need to be clear as to what justifies that distinction. The ten features listed below provide a reference for people who are looking to access the clinic that is the world’s best at providing the treatment they require.  A clinic offers a treatment and care experience with a number of different elements.  Each of those has to achieve and maintain an exceptional standard of quality, enabling the clinic to optimize the treatment and care experience overall. 


Treatment of addiction and related mental health conditions has physical and psychological components. It is essential that services possess the range and depth of knowledge required to respond effectively to the needs of those people in their care. Clients need to be able to have confidence that they are being looked after by people who truly know what they are doing. A clinic keen to be adjudged as the best in the world would certainly ensure that was the case. 


For it to be successful trust is essential in any relationship. That between the organization helping and those it helps is critical.  Strict adherence to the highest ethical standards helps to establish and maintain trust. The best clinic in the world would not be so without a culture based on values that place the needs and interests of the client before everything else.

Safety and Security

To be able to engage fully in treatment in a way that gives the best chance of a positive outcome requires a client to feel safe and secure. The clinic is to some extent a sanctuary and therefore must diligently maintain the boundary between the inside and outside world to protect clients, not only physically but also psychologically.  There can be no doubt about the best clinic’s unwavering commitment to client security, privacy and confidentiality.

Qualities of Staff

Treatment and care is facilitated through the relationship between the staff and its clients or patients, both individually and collectively. Formal professional qualifications are of course important but the personal qualities of the staff working at every level are vital also. Staff will be fully attuned to the needs of the clients at all times.

Independent Regulation

It says something important about a clinic that proactively seeks registration with the relevant statutory authorities and is thus open to regular inspection. It suggests humility on the one hand and the confidence of having nothing to hide on the other.

Best Practice

Well managed in every aspect of service delivery, the best clinic in the world will pay conscientious regard to the latest research findings in its field and take all necessary steps to incorporate such evidence into its practices.

Readiness to Change

It is all too easy to carry on doing today what was done yesterday and doing so in exactly the same way.  But organizational complacency puts quality at risk. Treatment organizations that serve their clients best are always prepared to change when necessary.


Admission to a clinic is a big step for anyone to take. Anxiety and ambivalence are inevitable. In a clinic hospitality must be fully integrated into the treatment and care service. The best clinic in the world will ensure attention to detail in every respect when it comes to establishing and maintaining a five-star level of excellence in its accommodation, catering and related services. 


The location of a clinic that ensures ease of access is important but it is also essential for it to be situated in a beautiful environment; one that is able to uplift and inspire one minute and offer naturally tranquil retreat in another. It is therapeutic in itself.  


In the best clinic in the world, the interplay between design and function will be exemplary. It will truly be fit for purpose. It will offer a range of services and activities to complement and enhance the core treatment programme. Recovery is about restoration of mind body and human spirit. The best clinic in the world will operate successfully in accordance with that understanding in every respect.

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