
The Licence

When coming to Clinic Les Alpes, patients and their loved ones can rest assured that they are receiving the highest level of care in accordance with multiple medical regulatory boards. Not only is Clinic Les Alpes in possession of an authorization issued by the Department of Health and Social Action (DSAS) of the Canton of Vaud, but all of our clinical staff hold their own individual registrations and licences to practise medically and therapeutically. This uniquely high standard for licensing and certification ensures that not only do our facilities meet specific standards and guidelines, but that our staff are practising ethically, effectively, and safely.

As part of our fully licensed facilities, we are able to offer full detox medically controlled with full medical and nursing teams in attendance 24/7. Along with psychiatric care and supervision, this enables Clinic Les Alpes to make the detoxification process as comfortable as possible in a safe and medically supervised environment. This also means that patients do not need to be transported between facilities to complete their detox and start their therapeutic work. Patients are therefore receiving a level of care that is consistent, reduces discomfort, and provides full security during this difficult time.

For patients and their families, it is crucial to have the utmost trust and confidence in their healthcare providers, and this is why we are committed to full transparency regarding our licensing. Independent regulatory oversight provides fundamental reassurance to those who both use and refer to our clinic that it is properly organised and resourced as well as meeting essential safety and operational standards. Clinic Les Alpes remains open to inspection, both for prospective clients and for compliance with regulatory bodies.

Our clinic and clinical members of our staff are registered with or members of the following organisations:

Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Swiss Red Cross
FMH Swiss Medical Association
Association vaudoise de médecins concernés par les addictions
Swiss Society of Addiction Medicine
Fédération Suisse des Psychologues
Groupement Romand D’Etudes Des Addictions
Le Collège romand de médecine de l'addiction
Association Vaudoise des Psychologues
Association suisse des infirmières et infirmiers
Fondation Institut Romand d'Hypnose Suisse (IRHyS) (President)
Romand Group of Legal Psychiatry
Fondation Agnodice
Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe
British Psychological Society
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Drug and Alcohol Practitioners Association of Aotearoa New Zealand
Turkish Psychological Association
American Anthropological Association
a white mountain range logo

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